Orsolya Gorgenyi
Спеціалізації: Фармацевтична регуляторика, Ділова етика та compliance, Антимонопольне та конкурентне право, Реклама і промоція, Трудове правоorsolya.gorgenyi@szecskay.com
Partner, Szecskay Attorneys At Law
- M&A
- corporate and commercial law
- business mediation utilizing innovative supervision techniques
Received her JD, summa cum laude, from Eötvös Loránd University Law Faculty in 1998. Participated in postgraduate business consulting and supervision studies at the International Business School in co-operation with Oxford Brookes University 2003 – 2005.
- Budapest Bar Association: Member since 2002
- Hungarian Mediation Association (OME): Member
- Association of the Hungarian Supervisors and Supervisor-Coaches: Member
- AIJA: National Representative for Hungary 2003-2007, Congress Organizer 2009 and Law Course Committee member as of 2010.
Author of numerous articles including "Legal Dos and Don’ts in Venture Capital Transactions in Hungary", published in Global Venture Capital Transactions. Brechbühl, Wooder (ed.), The Hague, Kluwer Law International, 2004 and the Hungarian chapters of "International Commercial Agency and Distribution Agreements". Albaric, Dickstein (ed.), Kluwer Law International BV, The Netherlands, 2011), and has spoken at various seminars.
- English
- German
- French
- Spanish