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LA LAW FIRM (Legal Alliance) founded in 1995, is today one of the leading Ukrainian law firms that provides comprehensive corporate counselling and practical support to national and global companies in Ukraine, СEE & Central Asia..

OUR CLIENTS represent life sciences industries including healthcare and pharmaceuticals, medical devices, cosmetics, biotechnology as well as healthcare institutions.

LEADING ASSOCIATIONS — AIPM Ukraine, APRaD as well as the EBA Healthcare Committee have chosen LA Law Firm as their legal advisor.

Ukrainian Pharmaceutical Congress

Ukrainian Pharmaceutical Congress 2018, June 21-22

Medical Reform in Ukraine: The State Will Pay the Basic Services for Every Ukrainian, - Dmytro Aleshko

Вебінар «Оскарження процедур публічних закупівель. Практика АМКУ»

Вебінар «Іноземні представництва фармкомпаній в Україні: актуальні питання статусу, оподаткування, організації діяльності»

Conference "Healthcare And Pharmaceuticals - 2018. Anticipations And Expectations"

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