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LA LAW FIRM (Legal Alliance) founded in 1995, is today one of the leading Ukrainian law firms that provides comprehensive corporate counselling and practical support to national and global companies in Ukraine, СEE & Central Asia..

OUR CLIENTS represent life sciences industries including healthcare and pharmaceuticals, medical devices, cosmetics, biotechnology as well as healthcare institutions.

LEADING ASSOCIATIONS — AIPM Ukraine, APRaD as well as the EBA Healthcare Committee have chosen LA Law Firm as their legal advisor.

Oleksandr Voznyuk

Specializations: Antitrust and Competition, Advertising and Promotion, Corporate and Commercial

Senior Associate

As a member of the LA team, Oleksandr is actively involved in legal support of Ukrainian and foreign clients on antitrust and competition law, advertising, promotion, commercial, contractual and labor law, as well as in other issues related to conducting pharmaceutical business in Ukraine. Also, Oleksandr has an extensive expertise in real estate, in the area of real estate investments and rental operations.

Key clients: Servier, GSK, Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF), Santen, Baxter, Takeda, Novartis, Jadran, Olainfarm and others.

Practice focus

  • Representation of interests and legal support of one of the leading pharmaceutical companies regarding the import of a high-cost medicinal product into Ukraine as humanitarian aid.
  • Obtaining the conclusions of the Antimonopoly Committee of Ukraine in form of recommendations regarding compliance of marketing agreements concluded between pharmacies and pharmacy chains with the competition law of Ukraine.
  • Advising clients on the matters related to public procurement, including representation of clients' interests before the Antimonopoly Committee of Ukraine in connection with the consideration of cases regarding the violation of public procurement legislation.
  • Advising and developing strategies to protect clients in cases related to the protections against unfair promotional activities of competitors.
  • Comprehensive analysis of promotional and advertising materials related to medicines.
  • Development of internal policies, rules and standards in terms of operating procedures for clients in the pharmaceutical industry.
  • Development of projects and providing support in terms of concluding marketing agreements with pharmacies.
  • Drafting and reviewing various commercial agreements for clients, as well as supporting their business activities, including labor matters.
  • Drafting standard agreements with distributors of medicines.
  • Conducting due diligence of potential counterparties for clients as part of their compliance program.
  • Advising on personal data issues.
  • Advising and supporting non-profit organizations in respect of the importation of humanitarian aid (including medicines) into Ukraine’s territory.
  • Advising and supporting current activities of some representative offices of international non-profit organization in Ukraine.


European Business Association (corporate membership)


Kyiv International University, Faculty of Law, specialty "Private International Law"


Ukrainian, English, Russian

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