To the attention of operators of the market of dietary supplements and other food products
On August 6th, 2019, the Law of Ukraine "On Information for Consumers on Food Products" (hereinafter referred to as "the Law") enters into force.
The law applies to all food market operators, regardless of the stage of the food chain, including catering establishments, as well as to all food products intended for the end consumer, regardless of how they are marketed. Under the current laws, dietary supplements (such as vitamin complexes) and baby food are also food products.
The law lays down a list of requirements for the placement of information of food, depending on the size and type of products packaging and how they are marketed. In particular, certain information on food products can be provided in the following ways:
- on the packaging of pre-packaged food products or on the labels attached to them (requirement for mandatory information);
- in accompanying documents (with the guarantee that such documents accompany the relevant product or are provided before or at the same time as the delivery of the product);
- through remote communication.
Information is provided in words, numbers, and may be further expressed by icons and symbols.
A list of mandatory and additional information on food products that is brought to the consumer's attention is set out in Articles 6 and 7 and the annexes to the Law of Ukraine "On Information on Food Products for Consumers".
The law provides for a transition period for market operators, namely: foods that meet the requirements of the legislation on providing information for consumers on food products that was in force prior to the implementation of the Law, but do not meet the requirements of the latter, may be produced and/or put into circulation within three years after the enactment of the Law (i.e. until August 6th, 2022). Such food products may be in circulation until the end of the consumption end date or the expiry date.