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LA LAW FIRM (Legal Alliance) founded in 1995, is today one of the leading Ukrainian law firms that provides comprehensive corporate counselling and practical support to national and global companies in Ukraine, СEE & Central Asia..

OUR CLIENTS represent life sciences industries including healthcare and pharmaceuticals, medical devices, cosmetics, biotechnology as well as healthcare institutions.

LEADING ASSOCIATIONS — AIPM Ukraine, APRaD as well as the EBA Healthcare Committee have chosen LA Law Firm as their legal advisor.

​​In the case, attorney-at-law Mkrtycheva is defending a suspect in the case of the Institute of Neurosurgery in criminal proceedings on the circumstances of the alleged provision
Attorney-at-law Maryna Mkrtycheva represented an airline director in a criminal case on illegal transportation of individuals across Ukraine's state border.
In this case, attorney-at-law Mkrtycheva represents the injured mother whose child was killed in 2019 and imitated committing suicide on the train tracks.
Attorney-at-law Maryna Mkrtycheva defended a former NABU detective who had submitted a declaration one day late.
A former employee was defended, who allegedly used offensive language towards a current court employee, humiliating his honor and dignity, thereby disrupting public order and the peace of citizens.
Legal Alliance, along with local counterparts, represented the interests of an international pharmaceutical manufacturer as a victim in criminal proceedings on counterfeiting medicines in the Republic of Kazakhstan
​Attorney-at-law Maryna Mkrtycheva developed a legal position on the case against a person accused of committing a multiple crimes related to tax evasion, document forgery, drafting and issuing false documents
The State Bureau of Investigations (SBI) detectives have taken an attorney-at-law into custody and then conducted searches. During the search, a cell phone containing attorney-client privilege was seized
Legal Alliance Company's attorneys-at-law, consisting of Associate Partner Taras Bespalyy and Attorney-at-law Maryna Mkrtycheva, appeared for the Robotics design bureau when withdrawing the seizure of property
According to the Specialized Anti-Corruption Prosecutor's Office (SAPO), the media holding acquired the corporate rights to the company that owns the radio station, with the purpose of money laundering
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