Conference "Healthcare And Pharmaceuticals - 2018. Anticipations And Expectations"
Round Table "The Future of Distribution Agreements in the Pharma Market in the Light of the Adoption of Standard Requirements On Vertical Concerted Actions"
II Session of 3D Tax Hub "Survey of Pharma Trends 2017"
Webinar: Legal Aspects of Doing Pharma Business in Ukraine: Review of 2016
Zoya Zamikhovskaya on "PHARM BUSINESS: 2015 CONCLUSIONS – 2016 ANTICIPATIONS". Hunger Games of Advertisement
Webinar: Legal Aspects of Doing Pharma Business in Ukraine. Review of 2015
Webinar: Pharma Business in Ukraine: First Half Year Review 2015
Oleksii Bezhevets at telemarathon "United Country". First National TV Channel
Dmytro Aleshko at telemarathon "United Country". First National TV Channel
Summary Conference: Pharm Business: Conclusions 2013- Anticipation 2014
Summary Conference: Pharm Business: Conclusions 2012- Anticipation 2013
Viktoriya Ptashnik on antimonopoly and competition law in Ukraine. TV channel "Business"
Oksana Kondratyeva on competition law on the pharmaceutical market in Ukraine