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LA LAW FIRM (Legal Alliance) founded in 1995, is today one of the leading Ukrainian law firms that provides comprehensive corporate counselling and practical support to national and global companies in Ukraine, СEE & Central Asia..

OUR CLIENTS represent life sciences industries including healthcare and pharmaceuticals, medical devices, cosmetics, biotechnology as well as healthcare institutions.

LEADING ASSOCIATIONS — AIPM Ukraine, APRaD as well as the EBA Healthcare Committee have chosen LA Law Firm as their legal advisor.

The publishing house "Yuridychna Praktika" announced the twenty-first issue of Ukrainian Law Firms. A Handbook for Foreign Clients
The pharmaceutical market is always in the focus of attention of the Antimonopoly Committee of Ukraine (AMCU) due to its social importance. A number of specific features of this market add additional challenges.
According to the results of the recently published international study The Legal 500 Europe, Middle East & Africa 2024 LA Law Firm is recognized among the leading law firms of Ukraine.
LA Law Firm held a webinar "Regulatory changes for pharmaceutical sector in 2024. Conclusions and forecasts". During the event, the participants discussed changes in the Health Technology Assessment procedure, regulation of prices for medicines, the Prozorro Market Electronic Catalogue, regulatory plans to change approaches to the circulation of dietary supplements, etc.
The national ranking features three partners and a counsel across four practice categories. Managing partner Dmytro Aleshko named among the TOP 100 legal practitioners in Ukraine and leaders in Medical Law / Pharmaceuticals.
On October 24, 2023, the Antimonopoly Committee of Ukraine provided advisory clarifications regarding the specifics of determining the product boundaries of the market in the presence of signs of individual or collective power of the buyer. It is about the Committee's new approach to the application of competition legislation. - Angelina Furman, LIGA:ZAKON.
On 12 September, the President signed Draft Law No. 5431 "On Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of Ukraine on Improving Legislation on Protection of Economic Competition and Activities of the Antimonopoly Committee of Ukraine" (Law No. 5431).
Leadership lessons for lawyers often focus on how to face up to tough times and take difficult decisions, but few managing partners will have had to square up to the challenges faced by Dmytro Aleshko since February 2022.
Yurydychna Gazeta, №3-6 (761-764), 09.05.2023 (read in Ukrainian)
The ranking study of the local market of legal services, published at the beginning of May by Yuridychna Gazeta covering 80 law firms
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